Oct 31, 2021
On this episode of Cut to the Chase:, attorney Ali Awad who has burst onto the legal scene, goes over the last key factor to help lawyers and law firms get to the next level and that factor is marketing. In the old days, lawyers were not permitted to market. Then it was taboo to market as a lawyer. But not so these...
Oct 30, 2021
On this episode of Cut to the Chase:, attorney Ali Awad digs deep into ways lawyers and law firms can take their practices to the next week through the use of virtual law firms and recognizing the importance of call intake. The days of 9-5 for the law office to answer and respond to calls are OVER. Listen to Ali...
Oct 29, 2021
On this 3 part episode of Cut to the Chase:, I bring on Ali Awad who has built and 8 figure law firm in 3 years and has the largest following for a personal injury attorney on instagram to discuss how to help you law practice. In the first part, Ali discusses how to maximize your current inventory of current cases and...
Oct 8, 2021
On this episode of Cut to the Chase:, investigative journalist, author, and research director of U.S. Right to Know discusses the main character of her award winning novel Monsanto Papers, Lee Johnson. Lee was the first Roundup Plaintiff to go to trial and won a major multi dollar award. Carey discusses Lee and some...
Oct 5, 2021
On this episode of Cut to the Chase:, Attorney Mike Burns gives us the details of the latest trial victory in the 3M earplug case. Mike is one of the many talented trial attorneys for the veterans suffering from hearing loss or tinnitus as a result of defective earplugs supplied by 3M. After two weeks of trial,...