Mar 21, 2022
On this episode of Cut to the Chase:, we bring back Eric Schuller from Alliance for Responsible Consumer Legal Funding (ARC) and Tara Alderete from Money Management International (MMI)I to go over some potential financial assistant for Plaintiffs who have a viable case and need some money to get them through tight times...
Mar 15, 2022
On this episode of Cut to the Chase: podcast, our insurance savant-Jon Singer discusses how owning an EV effects your home and auto policies, including if you have the charger and/or solar panels at your house. Any questions on your various insurance policies, here is Jon's link.
Mar 5, 2022
On this episode of Cut to the Chase:, Dr. Adam Liebovich discusses the exiting new developments in nuclear fusion. For the past 100 years, fusion has always been "30 years away" but with venture capital money pouring into it, including Bill Gates, there is serious talk that we might be a few years away from getting to...