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Cut To The Chase: Podcast Hosted by Gregg Goldfarb

Jan 9, 2023

On this episode of Cut to the Chase:, marketing savante Amy Scragg from Broughton Partner, comes on to discuss how lawyers that want to start, grow, or diversify their practices with mass tort cases and the like safely can do so.   Even if you are not skilled in mass torts, Amy can help you build up a portfolio of mass tort cases and the like such as Camp Lejeune, 3M, AFFF, the Hair Relaxer product, and many more.   While you might be worried that you don't know how to screen the cases, handle the cases, handle the client calls-Amy explains how to do this without a fuss or staffing up.....and it's called referrals.   Yes, Amy is well connected with the lead lawyers in each of the different mass tort cases and will get you great deals with them.   All the paper work is set up by the referring law firm.   The case criterior is set by referring law firm, calls are handled by a call center, and the work on the cases is handled by the referring firm.   Of course, if you and your law firm want to handle the cases yourself without a referring law firm, that is also an option.   

Here is a link to Broughton Partners so you can see the details of this type of marketing, along with all the other traditional marketing that they provide.